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Causes of swollen cheeks and how to overcome them

Swollen cheeks are one of the complaints that are often considered annoying because it can make the appearance of the face change too. Swollen cheeks also usually appear along with other complaints, such as pain or discomfort in the cheeks. There are various things that can cause swollen cheeks, ranging from harmless diseases to serious illnesses. Swelling is a condition in which an enlargement occurs in an area of the body, either due to inflammation or a buildup of fluid. Swelling can occur in any part of the body, including the cheeks. Swollen cheeks can be experienced without pain, but some are accompanied by pain, aching, itching, or tingling.

Causes of Swollen Cheeks

One of the most common conditions that cause swollen cheeks is a disruption in the salivary glands caused by a blockage, infection, inflammation, or even a tumor. The following are some diseases related to salivary glands that can cause the cheeks to become swollen:

1. Infection

Infection in the mouth that causes swollen cheeks can be caused by viruses or bacteria. One of the infectious diseases that can cause swollen cheeks is mumps. This disease is caused by a paramyxovirus infection that attacks the salivary glands in the mouth. Because of its position inside the cheek, swelling of this gland will cause one or both cheeks to appear swollen. This disease can generally resolve itself within a few days. Bacterial infections of the salivary glands can also cause swelling of the cheeks. This disease is called sialadenitis. Swollen cheeks due to bacterial infections are caused by inflamed salivary glands and pus buildup around the gland. If left untreated, sialadenitis can cause swollen cheeks accompanied by high fever, severe pain in the swelling of the cheeks, and difficulty opening the mouth.

2. Tooth and gum problems

Swollen cheeks can also be one of the symptoms of a tooth abscess. Tooth abscess is a condition where there is accumulation of pus around the teeth and gums due to bacterial infection. If left untreated, dental abscesses can lead to tooth loss and infection that spreads to other organs. In addition to dental problems, health problems in the gums also become the mastermind of the swollen cheeks. One of them is pericoronitis. Pericoronitis occurs when gum tissue, especially around the wisdom teeth, becomes inflamed. This condition is accompanied by pus discharge, swelling of the gums and cheeks, and pain in the gums and mouth.

3. Stones in saliva

This condition in which saliva settles or hardens is called sialolithiasis. Hardened saliva can block the salivary ducts, causing swelling and pain that disappears on the cheeks. This disease usually causes pain and swelling in one cheek.

4. Allergy

Swollen cheeks are one of the symptoms of an allergic reaction. In severe allergic reactions, namely anaphylactic shock, swelling can also occur on the tongue and throat. This condition makes it difficult for sufferers to breathe.

5. Hormone disorders

Swollen cheeks can also be caused by hormonal problems, such as hypothyroidism, a condition where the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Some of the symptoms are not being able to withstand cold temperatures, weight gain, and often drowsiness. In addition, swelling in the cheeks can also be caused by Cushing's syndrome, a disease that occurs when the body produces too much of the hormone cortisol. This disease often occurs in people who use corticosteroid drugs in the long run. Symptoms of Cushing's syndrome vary, such as increased blood pressure, thin skin or purplish red spots, and weight gain due to swelling in various parts of the body, including the face and cheeks.

6. Salivary gland tumors

Sometimes swelling of the salivary glands can also indicate a salivary gland tumor. These tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumors in the salivary glands are called salivary gland cancer. Symptoms can include the appearance of hard or soft lumps on the cheeks, cheeks feel painful, or sometimes the affected part of the face becomes numb or paralyzed. If there are complaints, consult a doctor immediately.

How to Overcome Swollen Cheeks

How to deal with swollen cheeks depends on the cause. If it is caused by mumps, then you only need to rest for a few days until the pain and swelling subside. But for swollen cheeks caused by something else, you should consult a doctor to get further treatment. In addition to treating a doctor, there are several ways you can try at home to help reduce swelling on the cheeks. These methods include:

1. Cold compress

Cold compresses or ice packs can relieve swelling and pain in the swollen cheek area. The trick, wrap the ice in a towel, then compress for 10 minutes on the swollen cheeks.

2. Position the head higher

When lying down or sleeping, prop your head with an extra pillow. Sleeping with a higher head position can reduce blood flow to the swollen area and reduce swelling.

3. Reduce salt intake

Eating salty foods can cause fluid to accumulate in the body and worsen the swollen cheeks. Therefore, reducing salt intake can reduce the buildup of fluid in the swollen cheeks.

4. Taking pain relievers

Swollen cheeks sometimes appear together with annoying pain or aches. If some of the above methods do not work to reduce pain and swelling in the cheeks, try consuming over-the-counter pain relievers, such as paracetamol. Swollen cheeks do not always indicate a serious problem. However, do not underestimate swollen cheeks, especially if accompanied by symptoms of severe pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness, weight loss, mouth difficult to open, and paralysis or numbness on the face. Also consult your doctor if your swollen cheeks don't improve or even get worse after a few days.


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